Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Welcome homeElder Gubler!
Fun at the cabin!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas at the cabin
Merrill family party.
Courtany, Hyrum, Lacy and Rylie. We had a family party Sunday Dec. 21. Jessie and Jason had already left for Arizona. We missed them. We had a great dinner and play the white elephant game. We were lucky to have Cami, Dallen and Carter come from SLC. Cami is my neice. We don't see her much but we sure do love her.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our Christmas card

Friday, December 19, 2008
Elder family Christmas party
Carlie got her wisdom teeth out today
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Rylie's I am from

I am from Scott and Barbara Elder
I am from
I am from the arms of a loving Heavenly Father.
I am form two sisters and one brother.
I am from daddy daughter dates, girl’s camp, and fun church activities.
I am from hot chocolate.
I am from dancing in the Nut Cracker, point shoes, and ballet slippers.
I am from fun family trips.
I am from babysitting and making good money.
I am from skiing every Friday with my mom and friends.
I am from snowmobiling, four wheeling, rhino riding, and swimming in the pond.
I am from early morning scripture study.
I am from good friends.
I am from kind parents.
I am form the smell of a fresh Christmas tree.
I am from subbing for Santa on Christmas Eve night.
I am from Christmas at the cabin.
I am from fire places.
I am from mud after a long rain at the cabin.
I am from girls trips.
I am from the best grandpa any one could ask for!
Carlie's I am from.....

I am from Douglas Scott Elder and Barbara Jeanne Merrill Elder.
I am from growing up in the same house my whole life while going to 6 different schools before High School.
I am from being my dad’s “Carlie-Carlie” and always having fun with him.
I am from the outside, always wanting to have as much fun as I possibly can.
I am from always wanting to be with my good, close friends and those whom I know love me.
I am from keeping busy with all my many after school activities such as homework, dance and now cheer.
I am from having the same birthday as my mom.
I am from being like my dad, right down to his eating habits.
I am from my cabin and all the fun up there.
I am from four wheelers, pond swimming, snow mobiling and sledding.
I am from the
I am from a great family.
I am from heaven.
I am from
I am from private schools.
I am from dancing and going crazy.
I am from always getting hurt and hurting myself.
I am from never knowing what I’m going to do next.
I am from you; my wonderful grandpa Merrill.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Geoff's I am from

Geoff’s I am from
I am from heaven
I am from the best mother and father possible for me
I am from great friends
I am from great church leaders
I am from the best example man
I am from a unconditionally loving woman
I am from three wonderful sisters
I am from unlimited support
I am from my heavenly father
I am from trials
I am from personal weakness
I am from many days in the wilderness
I am from learning from mistakes
I am from hard work
I am from long drives around the country
I am from Baltimore
I am from luck
I am from happy
I am from great cousins, Aunts, and Uncles
I am from amazing Grandpa and Grandma
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Jessie's I am from

I am from wonderful ancestors who paved the way for me
I am from Orem, Utah
I am from Cascade Elementary, Canyon View Junior High, Orem High School and Brigham Young University
I am from the Cascade 4th Ward and Canyon View 3rd Ward
I am from hiding under my covers with a flashlight so I can read books all night long
I am from going door-to-door as a child selling everything from trinkets to treats
I am from popcorn, chocolate and potatoes
I am from spending hours in the kitchen trying out new recipes
I am from being the oldest of four children
I am from four years of EFY
I am from overcoming obstacles and becoming varsity captain of a nationally ranked cheerleading squad
I am from a love of photography and capturing beautiful images
I am from long days at school and late nights of studying
I am from a semester in Nauvoo, Illinois
I am from Online Investors Advantage, Generation Marketing, Auction Advisor, The Daily Universe, The Deseret Morning News, The Daily Herald, Bennett Communications and Jessie Alexis Photography
I am from a wonderful temple marriage
I am from years of dedicated Young Women’s leaders to becoming one myself
I am from owning my own business
I am from a loving Heavenly Father who gave me a wonderful family
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jason's I am from....

I am from…
by Jason Evans
I am from Cheryl.
I am from
I am from John and
I am from Richard and Irene Evans.
I am from The
I am from climbing trees.
I am from Nintendo.
I am from the Vance Family.
I am from Douglas,
I am from fishing in the
I am from
I am from the Paraguayan countryside.
I am from wake-, skate-, snow-, and long-boarding.
I am from math, science and computers.
I am from
I am from ten minute dance parties.
I am from card and board games.
I am from the
I am from my beautiful bride, Jessie Alexis Elder Evans.
I am from a merciful Father in Heaven.
I am from knowing where I am from.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Barb's I am from....

I am from.
By: Barb Elder
I am from Ernie and Barbara, Oliver and Pyrene, Bill and Frances.
I am from the gypsy camp, Berries Ghost Town, wide open spaces from California, to Washington DC, to Washington State, to Utah.
I am from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints.
I am from baptismal and temple convents.
I am from swimming holes such as streams, lakes, ponds, to a beautiful swimming pool.
I am from so many schools that I can’t count.
I am from a stay at home mother who taught me to love the Lord and serve his children.
I am from a good father who honored his Priesthood and loves the Lord.
I am from Family home evening, Seminary, mutual, youth conference, girls camp, family prayer, Sunday dinners, Sunday church, and testimony meetings.
I am from serving an LDS mission in Florida.
I am from a hug from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin and a kiss on the check from President Spencer W. Kimball.
I am from two weeks of dating, to an engagement of six weeks to getting married in the Salt Lake Temple to a worthy Priesthood holder.
I am from being a stay-at-home mother of four wonderfully good children, Jessie, Geoffrey, Carlie, and Rylie and a great son-in-law, Jason.
I am from shopping at Four Chairs, and making friend with all who work there.
I am from believing in Santa Clause to subbing for Santa.
I am from four-wheeling, snowmobiling, hiking, rhino riding, and skiing.
I am from playing games with my family and friends.
I am from blogging (
I am from family vacations, long road trips to church history sites, to camping, family reunions, to Rome, Australia, cruises, Mexico, Disneyland, Disney World, Sisters trips, and the best of all – our cabin.
I am from serving in Young Women, Relief Society, Primary, and Visiting Teaching.
I am from disappointment and heart ache to forgiveness and putting my trust in the Lord, doing my best, and leaving the rest to him, and coming to understanding and appreciating the Atonement.
I am from listening to General Conference CDs, Dr. John Lund CDs, and any other up lifting spiritual CDs.
I am from weekly temple trips.
I am from early morning scripture study, personal scripture study, The Book of Morman and studying “The Strength of Youth” pamphlet.
I am from great movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Dan in Real life,” “Secondhand Lions,” “Love Comes Softly,” and “The Christmas Shoes.”
I am from the blessings of an open adoption.
I am from making friends where every I go and with everyone I meet.
I am from having a great mother- in- law who is my friend.
I am from twenty five years of marriage to my eternal companion and best friend Scott.
I am from looking to the future, “Come What May and Love It!”
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I am from.

My sister Debbie asked all of the members of our extended family to write these poems for my Father so she can compile them in a book to give to him for Christmas. I thought it would be fun to share my families with you ... I will start with Scott's.
I am form
By: D.Scott Elder
I am from a loving Father in Heaven.
I am from Marilyn McNeil.
I am from Pro Life.
I am from Lee Elder.
I am from Auntie Carlie.
I am Grandma and Grandpa Medeiros.
I am from Grandpa McNeil and the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Tribe.
I am from Modesto and Merced California.
I am from Aunt Ginnie, Oceanside, Carlsbad and South Pasadena California.
I am from Snelling, Mariposa, and Yosemite California.
I am from long bike rides.
I am from John Muir Elementary and Hoover Jr. High.
I am from Merced High School, East and North Campuses.
I am from Merced Jr. College and Brigham Young University.
I am from swimming in Bear Creek and the 28th Street Pool.
I am from Alex MacNicol, Ben Gutherie and Lance Kong.
I am from Tracy Schaff and her family.
I am from high school football, wrestling, and tennis.
I am from drums and rock and roll music.
I am from McNamara’s Sports and Wolf Sports.
I am from a 1972 Chevy Camero.
I am from missionary work from the Hutchings family.
I am from the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am from the Book of Mormon.
I am from baptismal covenants.
I am from the oath and covenant of the priesthood.
I am from fellowshipping from the Moore family.
I am from Provo and Orem Utah.
I am from a video business partnership with Don Muirhead.
I am from working with Frank Davis in many different businesses.
I am from an investor education business partnership with Ross Jardine.
I am from all my friends and associations with many people.
I am from self-improvement and personal development books and tapes.
I am from inspired words of latter-day prophets called of God.
I am from my Patriarchal Blessing.
I am from guidance from the Holy Ghost.
I am from 25 years of marriage as of 12/05/08 to Barbara Elder.
I am from the new and everlasting covenant of Celestial Marriage.
I am from Jessie, Geoff, Carlie and Rylie Elder.
I am from serving in many various church callings.
I am from Mosiah 3:19; 2 Nephi 10:23, 24; 2 Nephi 31:13; D&C 11:7, 8; Jacob 2:18, 19; D&C 121:7, 8; Ether 12: 27; Matthew 26:39; Moses 1:39; Mosiah 2:41; Proverbs 3:5-8
I am from Sanpete County.
I am from the Elder Family Lodge and walking and riding ATVs on mountain trails.
I am from all of the wonderful experiences and the trials and adversities in my life.
Burnt popcorn!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rylie is in the Newspaper.

To read the article click here.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Liahona Christmas Dance tonight.
Had a great dinner the other night.
This is what we had with peas and a fruit salad. It was yummy
and very easy!
Rosemary Chicken (or steak)
1 T. salt
1 t. pepper
3 branches fresh rosemary
2 crushed bay leaves
1 T. lemon pepper
4 fresh sage leaves
3 clove garlic
1 cup olive oil
Marinate any meat with small red potatoes. Bake at 375
for about 1 ½ hours.
Poppy Seed Dressing
In a blender, add and blend the following:
3/4 C. sugar
1 tsp. dry mustard
3/4 C. red wine vinegar
2 tsp. red onion, or more if desired
As blender is running, add very, very slowly,
through the hole in the blender lid;
1 Cup canola oil
At the end, add:
1 tsp. poppy seeds
**Keeps well in the refrigerator.
1 small bag baby spinach(6-8 oz.)
1 cup sliced berries, or diced apples
1 cup Craisins
1 cup feta cheese, crumbled
1 cup pecan halves, sugar glazed
Portobelo Mushrooms
Remove stem and wash top of mushroom only
Place top down in baking dish
Drizzle with olive oil over whole mushroom.
File hole from stem with olive oil
Drizzle with balsamic vinegar over whole mushroom
Cover mushroom with feta cheese and red onion rings
Bake uncovered for 20 minutes@ 350 degrees