"We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet"
I love President Hinckley. What a wonderful Prophet of God. He loved everyone and taught us to be a little more kinder, and to become a better people. When we listen to and obey a Prophet of God then our life and the life's of other will be blessed. I am grateful to live in the time that the Lord has given us a latter-day Prophet. What more can I say that hasn't already been said.
About 52 Blessings Once a week post a photo of something you are most grateful for. This gives us a chance to reflect on the good things we have learned from or that have made us better in our everyday lives or things we just enjoy! I think everyone needs to be more grateful for what they have now days instead of always thinking about what we want! This is one of the things we can do to be more gracious people. It will be like a photo gratitude journal.