Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home made salsa.

Last year Jessie, Rylie and I made salsa. Our men loved it. So we thought we would do it again. This time we have Norah in our family. So Rylie choose to take care of her instead of helping chop. (lucky her)

25 cups of tomatoes
10 med onion
10 med green peppers
12 jalapeños
3-4 chili peppers Anaheim
1 bunch cilantro
1/2 c salt
1 c white vinegar
3 t chili power
6 t oregano flakes
2 t garlic powder
3/4 c sugar
Cook one hour. Process pints 35 min


Come see Carlie at Renaissance She is amazing!!

Carlie in in hair school at Renaissance in Provo. She is a full time student. Stared in June. So proud of her. She gave Scott a hair cute and it's the best he has ever had. For reals!!! She colored Rylie's hair and also trimmed it. Great job! Today she is going to wax Jessie's and Rylie's brows and cut Jason's hair. She colored Stacy hair and Stacy loved it.  For reals you should call and make an appointment, She does a great job and the price is right. 801-373-2887 ask for Carlie

Norah Alexis Evans and her first swim.

My sweet baby Norah swimming in grandma's pool. I can't wait until next year when she will love it!!

Happy Birthday to my brother "Sam the Man".

When were in Arizona we all got together to celibate my brother Sam's birthday. Sam is a big fan of BYU so we got him his own football jersey with his name on it and a BYU book called the Brigham Young football vault. It's a history book of BYU football. Sam loved it. A few years ago Sam was really sick and in the hospital for a long time, in a coma. He is a miracle and so is his sweet wife Carolyn. 

August girls retreat in Arizona

Every August my sisters and I take some time and spend it together with our girls. This year we went to my sister Debbie's house boat in Arizona. Debbie designed a cute t-shirt  with the words on it "Girls just wanna have fun". We always start off with taking our girls to the Temple do do baptisms. (Carlie forgot her recommend.) Then we went to Debbie's house boat and played in the water, played games and eat good food. ( I am the only Aunt that went in the water and jumped off the boat) Maybe next time Judy and Debbie will jump with me!!  Sisters and cousins are the best!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rylie had a swim party with her new EFY friends.

So fun. They swam, they painted their toe nails, they had a pizza party, they made brownies for some cute neighbors. Good times.

Rylie and EFY

This was Rylie's first year at EFY. She loved it. She went with McCall Strong. The cool thing is she meet some girls friends that will be life long friends. When I was driving Rylie and McCall up to their dorm I was telling them that the Lord put them in this group for a reason. That they needed to get to know the girls and become their friends. Well when we get there we find out that a cute girl from our ward that just moved her from New York is in their group. Rylie really didn't know her that well. Well they are now great friends. Also one of the other girls had been praying for new friends. Rylie and her really hit it off and now they are great friends. The Lord does answer prayers.

Jessie's birthday dinner at La Jolla Groves in Riverwoods.

We had a wonderful meal at La Jolla Groves. New restaurant in River Woods. Carlie was at cheer camp and Stacy's sister Shelly came in town and they had a family dinner. We missed them both. The food was wonderful. Baby Norah was a doll. My family is the best!!