Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Morning

 Santa Clause came!

 Having little ones makes it so much more fun!

 Scott got all the girls a Yonana which makes a healthy frozen dessert!  
Scott got a gun.
 Geoff and Stacy got us a pop corn popper and a family picture of them. We love it!
 Stacy surprised Geoff with a Wii U and Geoff gave Stacy a pressure cooker. 
 Todd and Rylie got new snow coats. 
 Jessie got a Bosch
 Jason got a flow riding board
I made all my kids a scrapbook .

It was a very Merry Christmas and I am so glad everyone was able to be together. Who knows how long this will last. It's a lot of work but oh so worth it!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Eve at the Cabin 2015

Geoff and Dad bring up the fresh tree. Oh it smelled so yummy!
The girls decorating the tree. 
 Geoff Mekk and Stacy
 Rylie and Todd
Girls love our new PJ/Work out cloths.
Being silly

 My boys with new PJ's for Todd, Mekk and Geoff.

Mekk opening his new PJ's 

The boys don't love the PJ tradition as much at the girls so I got them Star Wars Socks. 
Scott read the Legend of Santa Clause for our Christmas Eve night. Then we all shared our favorite Christmas, or most magical Christmas present. Todd's most magical was when he was little he got a wooden train set. He said "It was just what he wanted and he knew that Santa was real and knew who Todd was. Stacy said she never believed in Santa because her dad could never keep a secret. Geoff said going to Australia. Carlie said when she got her Android Cell Phone. Rylie said when she got her doll house furniture and doing a Sub for Santa in Fairview when we drove the snowmobiles down to our car and delivered present to a family in town then saw them the next day at church wearing the cloths and playing with the toys we gave them. We missed Jessie, Jason, Norah, Clayton and Ian. They came up the next day on Christmas Day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas time is here!

 Clayton is the cuties Elf

1975 Snow Cat 

I went with Jessie to help with Clayton's Preschool Christmas Party on Friday the 18th. We played toss the snowball (large marshmallow) in the wreath. The kids also played a Christmas action game and Christmas bingo. Clayton is such a sweet boy and loves his teacher and preschool. I am lucky to live by Jessie and Jason and be able to help with parties, go to programs and help carpool Clayton to and from School. He loves it when I take him because he can watch a movie in my car. 
This is our snow cat that we drive up to the cabin. We haul all the gifts in and food for a week. I am super excited. Geoff, Stacy,Mekk, Carlie, Scott and I go up today. Todd and Rylie come up tomorrow night because Rylie works today and they are going to spend Christmas day with Todd's family. Jesssie and Jason come Christmas day.   

Friday, December 18, 2015

 I would say one of my most favorite part of Christmas are sending and receiving Christmas Cards. Here is our card this year. I love my family. Each and everyone of them. We have 4 grandchildren and one on the way. Jessie is pragant with number 4. Geoff and Stacy have one. Norah, Clayton and Ian are Jessie's and Mekk is Geoff and Stacy's.

Jessie's and Jason's Christmas Card. 

Geoffrey's and Stacy's Christmas Card. 

Last years Christmas Card 2014

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

We post pictures and it looks like our lives are perfect. No one's life is perfect. We all have challenges. " As we examine the path Jesus walked, we will see that it took Him through many of the same challenges we ourselves will face in life. "For example, Jesus walked the path of disappointment... Jesus walk the path of temptation... Jesus walked the path of pain... While we will find on our path bitter sorrow, we can also find great happiness. We, with Jesus can walk the path of obedience... We, like Jesus, I can walk the path of service... Jesus walked the path of prayer... As we strive to place Christ at the center of our lives by learning his words, by following his teachings, and by walking in His path, he has promised to share with us do you eternal life that He died to gain. My life is not perfect. But I choose to enjoy what is perfect and work on over come my challenges, heart aches, sorrow, and look to Him for strength.#elderfamilyevents #norahgram#Halloween My perfect hair by@carlieelder my perfect skin by@ryliedunaway my perfect photo by@jessiealexise life is good!

I choose to be Mormon. The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings clarity to my life, PEACE in troubled time, and JOY to my soul. I choose to be Mormon because my religion is always pushing me to be better and teachers me that I have Heavenly Parents who love me unconditionally. I know where I came from and where I am going. I know I can be with the people I love forever. (I miss my mom and dad I am Mormon by choice because life is hard, and I need my Savior. Because of him I have purpose, and I want my children to know they have a special purpose too. I choose to be Mormon because it brings me real, sustainable happiness. And it burns in my soul! 🔥🔥🔥 To keep this burning I must do my part. Christ is everything to me. I must abide in him Permanently, Unyieldingly, Steadfastly, Forever! I must Study, Pray, Repent, Over Come The Natural Man and Serve Others everyday. I choose to be Mormon because it pushes me to be my highest and best self. To become more like my friend and Savior Jesus Christ.#mormonbychoice #elderfamilyevents #lds#familiesareforever #Godisgood

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Harry Potter in Universal Studio Florida Nov 2013

At Universal’s Islands of Adventure 
The Charming Village of HOGSMEADE

Nestled at the foot of Hogwarts™ castle is the wizarding village of Hogsmeade™, where you can stroll the streets and explore all of the fascinating shops and eateries. Wander through the classrooms and corridors of Hogwart, and soar above the castle with Harry Potter™ on the groundbreaking ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. 
 We ate at Mythos Restaurant and Loved it.

I loved this part of the Park and hope to go back with my children or grandchildren.