How long did you date? 2 weeks Married six weeks later.
How old is he? 49. 15 days younger then me.
Who eats more? Scott
Who said I love you first? Me? Scott? I don't know. So long ago.
Who is taller? Scott
Who sings better? Neither
Who is smarter? Scott
Who does the laundry? We both do.
Who does the dishes? We both do... with the kids together
Who sleeps on the side of the bed? Scott
Who pays the bills? Scott. He is really good with money.
Who mows the lawn. The Gray family.
Who cooks the dinner? Me. I enjoy cooking. I am an OK cook. Scott is so good, he likes what I cook most of the time and lets me know. The other night he said that it was as good as a restaurant!
Who is more stubborn? Me sometimes. Him sometimes.
Who kissed who first? I probably kissed him first.
Who asked who out? Scott did. He asked me out for 5 months almost every week. I said no. (Thats a long story)
Who proposed? ME!
Who is more sensitive? Scott is on somethings. (If an animal is hurt, and stuff like that) Me on others.
Who has more friends? Me. But he is my best friend. I think that women need women and men need women.
Who has more siblings? Me I have three great brothers and two wonderful sisters. (Sisters are the best!!) Scott only has one brother.
Who are you tagging? Jessie and anyone else who wants to do it!
This is a cute idea and I'll have to do it. Also - it sounds like your lesson went great! I'll have to get it from you. I love the object lesson with the bread. I'm so glad we have the same callings :)
That was cute! That was a fun one to do hah!Ü
I didn't know you guys got engaged sooo fast, that's funny.
i loved reading this! thanks for sharing these fun little details! so cute!
I am so happy you did this! I loved reading it and all about you two! I love you and Scott, thank you for being such great examples of love to me growing up! love you Barb! P.s. if It were a few years ago, I would have written The Gray family for mowing the lawn too! haha I love it!
I loved reading all about you and Scott. So fun to see your wedding picture and all the cute pictures of Scott! We sure enjoyed seeing Jason and Jessie recently. I think Jessie is wonderful and I'm glad she is feeling better.
I remember when I was younger, and Scott taught my Sunday school class...We had awesome lessons and he always made me feel so important. I admire you both so much and your beautiful family! You look EXACTLY like you did then....BEAUTIFUL and Radiant!
I remember when I was younger, and Scott taught my Sunday school class...We had awesome lessons and he always made me feel so important. I admire you both so much and your beautiful family! You look EXACTLY like you did then....BEAUTIFUL and Radiant!
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