Geoff, Brandt, Cole, Marshall, and Zach.

Me and Geoff

Rylie and Scott

Scott and Cole helped pack Geoff's car. He left at about 1:00 today. Scott took Geoff and his friends to dinner last night to Pizza Factory. Geoff has been blessed with good friends. I will really miss not having Geoff here. There is one big sleep over ever night at our house when Geoff was here. The hardest thing about being a Mother is letting go. I cried. Geoff did this last summer, I should be use to it. Geoff is doing very well, and I know that he will do great this summer. I will miss him a ton!
That will be sad when my kids are old enough to go away for stuff like that. It would be hard. Good luck to you with that, and I hope he has fun!
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