On Sunday the Bishop gave Carlie her YW Recognition award in sacrament meeting. He had her come up to the front with her parents. She received her award and the Bishop had her share her testimony. She did a great job. Carlie has a strong testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, she lives her life with commitment to the gospel. She has worked hard for this award. She is a great example to everyone around her. We are so proud of her and the life she is living. What a great blessing to have her in our home.
For family home night we went to Cafe Rio for her favorite dessert. We love you Carlie! Your the best.
Way to go Carlie!!!!
What a blessing to have so much piety at such a young age.
Those achievements made within the gospel are some of the happiest moments we can have. Good job Carlie, Barbara, and Scott.
What a great accomplishment and what a cute girl.
Well done! What a darling and accomplished girl.
We have a YW at our house that needs a kick in the pants to get her's done.....you'd think that knowing a drivers license isn't in her future until she gets it done would be enough....but I guess not! ;)
What a blessing Carlie is for your family! Congratulations Carlie!
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