Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2016

Sisters Trip March 13, 2015

It will often be necessary for all of us to choose between a good time and and leading a good life." Elder Faust. Some view "having a good time" as a definition of happiness, and in the world's view it may conflict with "leading a good life" - hence the need to choose between the two. But in a very real sense, the only true and lasting way to have a good time is to lead a good life. That's the path to happiness Photo by: Jessie my daughter. 

Debbie came for the week end and we had a photo shot with Jessie. It was so fun. We also went up to Logan Utah to a wedding reception with Debbie for one of her missioneries she knew from England. We also visited family of Judy's Wendy Pieson. She adopted two of Judy's grandchildren. Sky and Solee Tyler's two children. What a blessing open adoption is!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Debbie came to visit

 Rylie, Karly and Summer

Jan, Debbie and I

Debbie and Jan brought their daughters up to go to school here in Provo. So we went to Brick Oven for dinner. So fun!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

My dad's visit

 Rylie, Grandpa and Carlie
 Kiss kiss

 Samuel Merrill an pioneer family member 

My dad likes to eat at the Lion House when he comes up here. 

Judy and I took my dad to Salt Lake City to visit some dead relatives and eat lunch at the Lion House. It rained on us but we had a great time. So glad that my dad's trip turned out to be a good one. I sure do love my dad. He is a great man and a wonderful father.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shopping at the Park City Outlets sister's trip day #3

We went shopping at the Park City Outlets. It was freezing!! I did very well not buying anything until we hit the last store. J.Crew. We had a blast and bought the same skirt. The deals were great and because Debbie is a Student at BYU. We got another discount. It was fun but a very cold day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Party Night

Debbie spent the day working on Family History and getting names ready for the temple for me. I think we came up with over 26 ordinances to do. This should keep me and my family busy for a while. There is just something about working family history that she really loves. She just can not get enough of it. To her it is like a drug. The more she does family history the more she love it.