Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young Womanhood Reognition

The personal progress program uses seven YW values. (Faith, Divine Nature Individual Worth, Knowledge,  Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity and Virtue)  To help you understand more fully who you are, and what you should be doing as a daughter of God to prepare for the day you go tot the temple to make scared covenants. This sometimes takes the full 6 years that the girls are in YW. Rylie got hers while in her 4th year.  
Rylie received her YW Recognition award in July. Sorry this is a little late. We are so proud of her and her willingness to do this. It a big deal. She worked hard and learned a lot. 


leslie said...

Way to go Rylie! It's evident that you know what each one of those means. You glow!

The Finlinsons said...

Congrats to her! I can't believe how old she is getting (I mean, she's grown A LOT during the past 3 years I've known her!)