Thursday, August 23, 2012

Debbie, Education week, cousin and dinner party

Debbie and Mark come every year for Education week. So on Monday we all go to Olive Garden for dinner with our cousin Katy Hughes from Alaska.  Debbie had a dinner party at my house with her roommates from Ricks Collage.  This year Scott went to Education Week with me. We had the best time ever!! We went to all the same classed and we eat lunch together. It was so fun. He really enjoyed it and just might go with me next year. Our favorite classes were "Change Anything" principles for changing anything, overcoming habits in yourself. With Joseph W. Grenny, Ron McMillan, Kerry J Patterson, and Al Switzler. They have a book that Scott read called Change Anything. Very good class. Yhe other class was The Power of Atonement in Your life. By Ronald E. Bartholomew and  Understanding the Process of Spiritual Rebirth. Both by Ron. Such a great week.

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