Thursday, April 24, 2008

Geoff is leaving for Baltimore to sell security systems.

Geoff, Brandt, Cole, Marshall, and Zach.

Me and Geoff

Rylie and Scott
Scott and Cole helped pack Geoff's car. He left at about 1:00 today. Scott took Geoff and his friends to dinner last night to Pizza Factory. Geoff has been blessed with good friends. I will really miss not having Geoff here. There is one big sleep over ever night at our house when Geoff was here. The hardest thing about being a Mother is letting go. I cried. Geoff did this last summer, I should be use to it. Geoff is doing very well, and I know that he will do great this summer. I will miss him a ton!


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Tawni said...

That will be sad when my kids are old enough to go away for stuff like that. It would be hard. Good luck to you with that, and I hope he has fun!