Friday, November 7, 2008

Celebrating Rylie's 14th Birthday!

We had some friends over for crepes and a little bop-it.
YEA! a cell phone.
Geoff and Carlie texting.
Jason with his bowling ball.
Jessie and Rylie with their bowling balls.
Happy birthday from Brick Oven.
The Happy Birthday song.
We Celebrated Rylie's 14th Birthday in a big way! We had so much fun. We went out to dinner at Brick oven, then we went bowling at BYU. It was a blast! We also had her friends over after school for our tradition, Crepes . Rylie has been long waiting to get a cell phone. Thanks to her dad she now has one. Rylie is a sweet and kind teenager. I hope she stays that way.


Courtney and Hyrum said...

She is so cute!!!

Cheryl said...

Once sweet and kind always sweet and kind! She is a doll!