Monday, January 5, 2009

And snow it did!

I said let it snow and it did! Today when I was coming home from picking up Carlie from Gymnastics my sweet son was shoveling the drive way. Without being asked. He just showed up and to work he went. He got out our ATV with a snow plow. I thought that was so sweet. He did as much as he could. Then he got the plow stuck, he couldn't get it up the drive way. Oh well its the thought that counts. Thanks Geoff.


Brianna Merrill said...

Snow is always so beautiful. What a sweet boy you have to do that without being asked. Enjoy playing in your winter wonderland!

Tawni said...

That looks like soo much fun!
I wish we could play in snow every once in a while, I just don't want to live in it.