Monday, April 11, 2016

More than the Tattoooed Mormon Al Fox Carraway

 I saw this on Instagram Sunday morning and I text it to my family and some friends. I really wanted to go and hope I could find a few others who would like to go with me. Annette Harkness and Jackie Williamson text back and wanted to come!!
 Al was sweet enough to sign my book. If you haven't read it. It's a must. Her book is so inspiring and faith building.  
 I probable hugged her at least 4 times. I love her testimony and power that she shares with the world.

Your God is an unchangeable God. But that doesn’t mean just His commandments are unchanging, but also His love. No matter what you’re doing, or where you are-on the path or off the path—His love for personally & individually you, unchanging. Never weakening. Never wavering. Always there. Always strong. And always can be felt even in the most confusing & darkest of times, if we just turn to Him. 
If we think Heavenly Father will do anything to stop us from overcoming, we’re wrong. If we think He will do anything to stop us from being happy right now, today, even in our trials, we are wrong. Because of the unchanging, never weakening love.💙

"I remember having to make a decision. It's a decision I had to make and continue to make; it's a decision you have to make every single day: choose to get mad, choose to get bothered or offended, or choose to not. Choose to keep going, choose to trust, choose to have faith-or not. What it comes down to and what it will always come down to is this: choose God or don't. So I had to re-decide who I wanted to follow." Al Carraway well said! I Barb choose God!

Jackie Williamson and Al

Had the great opportunity to hear and meet Al Carraway who wrote More Than The Tattooed Mormon tonight. What an example of faith and love and true happiness as she accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read her book. It gives you hope and happiness and teaches you not to judge. Thank you @22alfox

Annette Harkness and Al

I love my friends for going with me!  It was a very uplifting evening. If you ever get the chance to go see her speak DO IT! 
God is Good and I choose God!

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